Following The Trend - Getting The Most Out of Your Direct Mail Campaign 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Following The Trend - Getting The Most Out of Your Direct Mail Campaign  


Online and social media marketing campaigns might be the modern and trendier way of attracting new customers. But if you really want to grab people's attention and compel them to respond to you, direct mail campaigns are still the best method. Getting the most out of your direct mail campaign requires creativity and smart strategizing, but it's worthwhile as it potentially increases your client base.

Why Direct Mail Still Works   

Social media ad campaigns and mass emails might reach out to a wider number of potential clients, they don't necessarily guarantee that customers will notice or even respond to them. Not all emails are opened nor all phones answered. Direct mail usually provides a higher rate of response from potential clients because they can't help but notice them in the mailbox.  According to a 2023 Sequel Direct Mail Response Report, 54% of customers hold onto direct mail that they're interested in and refer to it at a later date. Customers consider direct mail less invasive than emails or phone calls and connect with the letters and brochures more because they can actually touch them. 

Types of Direct Mail  

Letters and postcards remain the most popular forms of direct mail. Companies working on a tight budget should use postcards as they are the cheapest to produce and have the lowest postage cost. While postcards come in different sizes, a 6x9" postcard is ideal for containing all pertinent information and fitting in the mailbox. Letters and postcards work best for companies to highlight a specific product or service. To showcase a variety of products or services, a business should use brochures, booklets and catalogs. For example, clothing and shoe brand companies often send catalogs to previous clients or new clients who might like their products. 

Tips For Successful Direct Mail Campaigns  

Some tips for businesses to consider when starting their direct mail campaign:

  1. Figure out who the targeted demographics will be. Do research on who will most benefit from your product and decide on both the audience groups and the ideal locations. Create a mailing list of potential clients. For example, a children's clothing brand should send mail to neighborhoods close to schools.
  2. Keep your letters and postcards brief and to the point. Use catchy phrases and bright colors to get their attention. If your item includes pictures, make your product look attractive or show how useful it is.
  3. Try  to view your products or services through your client's eyes. Give specific examples of what your company does and how your products or services will benefit the client.
  4. Give incentives to draw in new customers. Maybe give a 20% discount on their first order or a small gift card to be used after the first order is completed.
  5. Most importantly, urge your customer to a call of action. After highlighting the benefits of your products or services, include all the contact information and ways to connect to your business. Include your company's mailing address, email address, website link, both office and possible cell phone numbers, social media account links,  and if there's room, a QR code that links to the company website.
  6. Keep track of the results of the first round or two of the campaign and see which response method (email, social media) works best and which target groups had the highest response rate.

If you have any questions or want more tips on getting the most out of your direct mail campaign, please contact our representatives at Brand RPM.

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