Product Spotlight - Excellent Gifts To Honor MLK Jr. Day  

Friday, September 27, 2024

Product Spotlight - Excellent Gifts To Honor MLK Jr. Day   


On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we can reflect on the life of an exceptional American and find inspiration in his words. People can buy excellent gifts to honor MLK Jr. Day and use them for decorating their homes or participating in marches. Helping out civil rights organizations and Black businesses also honors his legacy. 

Gifts and Promotional Products 

Plenty of items are available for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. They include:

  • Apparel- T-shirts, caps and hoodies with King's image and words remain popular to wear, especially at special events and marches.
  • Drinkware- Coffee mugs and tumblers with his quotes displayed help remind us of his legacy throughout the year.
  • Home decor- Blanket throws, pillows or pillow cases, books on Martin Luther King Jr., garden flags and wooden or tin signs engraved with his quotes make nice gifts. People can also display framed prints or paintings on their walls or desks. .Art of Words produces a unique print with King's "I Have A Dream" speech written around and as part of his image.    
  • Promotional Products- Any company that needs items for a MLK JR Day event should consider ordering plastic bracelets, tote bags, plastic cups featuring his image, keychains, bumper stickers, coasters, notebooks or stationary pads, and even smartphone cases. 

Other Ways to Honor MLK Jr Day  

Besides physical items, people can find other ways to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day.  Consider donating to Black charities and civil rights organizations such as the NAACP. Volunteer at soup kitchens and food pantries in underserved neighborhoods. Patronize local Black-owned businesses and give positive reviews online.

Business owners can help the Black communities by sponsoring fundraisers and school supply drives for inner-city schools. Business owners can also help promote Black-owned businesses, cooperate with them on sponsoring events and offer some executives to help mentor new or young owners on marketing and business strategies.  

If you would like to learn more about excellent gifts to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day, please contact one of our representatives. 

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