The pandemic has made in-person trade shows impossible. The number of virtual events dramatically increased and became a lifeline for promotional products and marketing industries. However, virtual events' rise in popularity began even before the pandemic. In 2019, virtual events earned $78 million globally. Experts predict a compound annual growth rate of 23.2% between 2020-2027.
Virtual events are a great way for companies to reengage with clients and employees. Use creative branding, products, and messaging to entice participation or drive your message home. We've seen a variety of different types of events ranging from monthly power hours to even virtual happy hours. You can also send product kits prior to the event to get people excited and have more buy-in.
In the trade show space, virtual events help save money for the exhibitors in travel costs and rental fees. Attendees would also save on travel costs, and be able to watch the events from the comforts of their homes. Online exhibitions can reach a much wider audience and allow more flexibility. These options include interactive virtual reality demos, online polling, and Q & A sessions which can build a connection similar to an in-person meeting.
Businesses know they need to entice people to attend their virtual events. Sending personalized swag kits is a great way to do it! These can include branded products, custom messaging, snacks, custom packaging, and more. The For Brandcast last year, YouTube even mailed out special boxes that had popcorn and DIY pizza ingredients that customers can enjoy eating while watching online. Companies might also deliver personalized products as a follow up to those who attended their virtual events. It's these innovative ideas that show that businesses still care about their employees and customers. Further strengthening the relationship between the brand and morale.