Following The Trend - Strengthening Ties to Clients

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Maintaining good relationships with clients is essential in every business.  It can often be tricky when dealing with diverse groups of clients and various size companies.  Ideally, you should treat each client as an individual and build your relationship from there.  The stronger the relationship, the better the business growth will be for both your business and your clients.

Gifts and Rewards 

One surefire way to strengthen relationships is to send clients gifts.  The best gifts are items that are both practical and have a personal touch, including coffee mugs, notebooks, and baseball caps.  While it's okay for special occasions, an extravagant gift might make clients think you're coming on too strong.  Instead of using your business logo, place your client's logo on the gift.

Reward clients who are repeat purchasers with discounts on those items (either vouchers or a percentage off).  Consider enrolling your top clients in a loyalty program that awards points for every purchase.  This makes the client feel valued and more inclined to do future business with your company. 

Personalize Gifts and Communications  

Since the competition for attracting new clients is fierce, a great way to get their business is to personalize the gifts.  Add the recipient's initials to a gift.  Ask the person what their interests or favorite items are.  If a person likes snacks, send them a box of chocolates.  This strategy works for established clients too.

Personalizing emails and notes is important as well.  If a client suffers a setback, send them an encouraging message letting them know you're there for them.  When a client reaches an important anniversary or one of their employees receives an honor, send a congratulatory note along with a gift.

Report Card and Surveys  

Sending clients report cards or surveys to fill out can help you gauge the clients' approval of your work.  Have different surveys for established clients and new clients.  Surveys from new clients can also help you understand how well your company fares against competitors, since these clients likely had recent dealings with a rival. 

Use the results of these surveys and report cards to decide how to further improve your relationship with your clients.  Gaining the cliental top satisfaction and helping them reach their full potential should be your primary goals.  Mid-size and small companies may need more direction from your business on how to reach their goals. Regular communication through emails and meetings may help everybody understand what needs to be done.

For more information on how to better strengthen your ties with clients, please contact one of our representatives. 

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